Some drafting standards require a text “font” that is something other than the “Arial” font, yet AutoCAD seems to keep reverting back to this font even after changing what font the text style is using. Some people almost have conniption fits because their text keeps changing…
Font Thai Shx in title. Thai Email Editor (Color, size, and format) Keyboard Mobile - Utilities, Shareware, $0.99. When you opened a file that was created in AutoCAD Free Thai Fonts Table of Contents. Introduction; Garuda: Free, Easy-to-Read Thai Font; Other Free and Commercial Thai Fonts. ThaiFonts-Scalable; Commercial Fonts: PSL, DS, JS, SV. I'm looking for Helvetica Neue.shx font for autocad. Its the official font of a company i'm doing work for. Any help would be appreciated. 762 SHX AutoCAD Fonts.
Shown below: “Standard” text style using Arial.ttf
One reason is that the default acad.dwt  that is used for new drawings has this font defined for the “Standard” style. My first suggestion would be to not use a style named “Standard” as this can cause obvious conflicts. But even if you have no control over this, you can try the following:
Navigate to your AutoCAD Template folder and locate the “acad.dwt” file – The below screen shot is of the AutoCAD 2014 template folder.
AutoCAD 2014 Template location
Copy the file to another location as a back up in case something goes wrong.
Rename the file so that it is “acad.dwg” not a “.dwt” file
Open the in AutoCAD and change the Text Style in the “Text Style Manager” by using the command ST <enter>
Change the “Standard” style to the desired font under the “Font Name:” dropdown list.
Standard Style Set to “RomanS.shx”